Wednesday, June 20, 2007


Oh so very interesting. Today I drove, on the highway. Maria said I drove like a drunk and it is/was true. I didn't do so well, and I drove at 60.... that was wierd.

I am still felling depressed, my PE class is going to kill me.

I am going oh so very poor, stupid Maria. Oh well.
Well, it has been fun talking to myself, but oh well. I have to go.

Saturday, June 16, 2007

Mood: Mad?

I feel somewhat infuriated. For one, one of my best friends is using me, or at least it feels that way.
And I cannot to anything about it. Other wise I would not get what I want.

I still feel depressed. I am complaining more than usual. I am still complaining about complaining.
I feel that everything I have done in the past has been stupid and I get mad at myself because of it.
I think I will try to just pay attention to the books I am reading.

I feel stupider each day. I am forgetting lots of things. At work I forget most of the orders and lots of the small details. I, like my sister kindly pointed out to me, look like a headless chicken.

Sometimes I wonder why I am depressed....

Sunday, June 10, 2007

Lots Of Stuffie

Okay, first of all, I have a feeling that I am writing to myself...
So be it.
After this I am going to bed.

I believe that the only people who will read this blog are random people I will never meet. My friend made me write in here, yet she hasn't come on to see what I have written. It doesn't matter.
Not that much anyway.

I finally sent a letter to Alondra, I friend of mine, I haven't seen her in a year-ish. I miss her. I hope she gets it. The letter.

I made a song for mother, it goes:
Mi mama no me quiere,
Nunca me ha querido.
Dice que me ama.
Siempre me ha mentidoooo!
My sister hates it. Sadly it is true.

Father's Day is coming. I feel sorry for him 'cause we had a party for mother, but we wont for him. I think that he will notice that he isn't very loved.

Gaia Contest is coming up, I am turning 3 years old on bobu, I am so happy. I have like 5 mil in my items.

I totally forgot about my friends b-day. My other friend had to tell me, I feel horrible.
I feel lousy and lonely, like I don't belong. Like I hate myself because I always seem to do the most stupidest things in the world. I won't mention them here. It would take too long.

One good thing is that the season three of Avatar is coming out next month, and HP too. the 11th and the 21st.

I have school tom. Pe. Something called spinning. I am scared.
My friend Mia is off away in Texas. I miss her, a lot.
Rabu... lol. Rabu. I have no idea what to do about that subject.

I have a long day tom. I am off to sleep.

Sunday, June 3, 2007


I have a hole in the sole of my shoe....
I need new ones!

Saturday, June 2, 2007

Joy Ride

So today, we got out of the car and it started to move!
I was like, "Maria! MARIA!!! The car is MOVING!!!!!!!!!!!"
So she turned the car, I went in front of it to stop it.
We succeeded. In the end I said, "Thank goodness that doesn't happen every day!"

Friday, June 1, 2007

Rabbit Rabbit

This is a reminder for me.
I said rabbit, rabbit. This is technically supposed to be a GOOD month. Not Bad and worse of all not "meh".

mood: depressed

I am feeling out of it. like I keep mentioning: mentally unstable.
I feel horrid because I didn't say good-bye to Mia.
I am horrid.
I don't like this at all.
Work isn't helping.
I am complaining more than normal. I feel sorry for my self and others.
I don't know what to do. For now, I guess I will sleep. Work. Eat.
This is just so annoying. I want to be okay feeling, not meh.
Not meh.

About Me

My photo
I am a weird girl that believes she is still a girl even thought she is almost 20. She can't spell. She loves to read and draw, like I said a few months ago, "when I grow up, I want to be an animator". Hopefully work for PIXAR, but I don't think that is going to happen, I might end up with Dream Works. I don't know what I want to do with myself. All I know is that I want to go to Ex'pression and get my BA in Digital Visual Media. (Yeah, try saying THAT 10 times).