Wednesday, August 1, 2007


"I am sad because I am not happy". -kita
True words.
Well, today, I am happy. I am getting my laptop. Finally, been waiting for over a year to get it.
Mother's not doing so well, cause of sadness, I might add. Dad is getting angry will all of us because of it.

Gaia is making me have no life, it is keeping me busy.
I am learning how to drive, which is fun. And annoing, my sis doesn't know how to control her temper.

My friend came back, and since she came back, I stopped talking to her. Which is kinda disappointing.

And now I live day by day, not sure weather to be happy or sad.

About Me

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I am a weird girl that believes she is still a girl even thought she is almost 20. She can't spell. She loves to read and draw, like I said a few months ago, "when I grow up, I want to be an animator". Hopefully work for PIXAR, but I don't think that is going to happen, I might end up with Dream Works. I don't know what I want to do with myself. All I know is that I want to go to Ex'pression and get my BA in Digital Visual Media. (Yeah, try saying THAT 10 times).