Wednesday, October 10, 2007

The waitrising experience

So, I am a waitress.
Tip number 1: Kids and rice don't mix, so, when you take a plate to the table, keep it VERY far away from the kids otherwise you will have a hell of a mess to pick up.

Tip number 2: Smile. It gives you more tips, lots and lots of tips.

That's enough for today.

The best tip I have gotten so far was from a drunk guy.

He came into the restaurant, wanted a fried tilapia. That is the most time-consuming meal we have. Worst of all it was frozen. He kept bugging me about his food. I kept telling him, it's almost ready. It. Is. Almost. Ready. But he kept being annoying. Have you ever had a mexican man hiss at you because they want your attention? Well, he kept doing that. I HATE when men do that. I don't know how I didn't end up yelling at him.
So, his food arrived.
He ate.
He got up.
He wanted to pay.
It cost 11.something.
He only had a 10 and an 100.
He paid with the 100.
I only had 60 worth of twenties.
I needed one more.
I said, "wait a sec I owe you a twenty"
He said, "no it's okay"
I said, "Are you sure? It's a TWENTY"
He said, "No its okay" and walked away.
That day I made 20 dollars worth of tips on a table of one.


Mia said...

thats hott. lol. i wish this would happen to me.

so true on the rice thing. lol

Mia said...

oh and um i know your blog is called Beware of Spelling Mistakes
but the title is incorrect lol

Ninnyhammer Sheka said...

...He hissed at you?

ROFL time? That is hilarious!!! Someone give this man a cat!

=D but grats on your tips!

Bobu said...

Mia: Yeah. Um, I misspell almost everything, if it wasn't for my computer that checks my spelling, I think that most of the words I type would be spelled wrong.

Sheka: Yeah, haven't you have a mexican guy go "pstthst"? Well this guy tried to do that, but well, he didn't succeed. It ended as a hiss.
>_<; yeah, the tip was great. Drunken idiotas.

About Me

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I am a weird girl that believes she is still a girl even thought she is almost 20. She can't spell. She loves to read and draw, like I said a few months ago, "when I grow up, I want to be an animator". Hopefully work for PIXAR, but I don't think that is going to happen, I might end up with Dream Works. I don't know what I want to do with myself. All I know is that I want to go to Ex'pression and get my BA in Digital Visual Media. (Yeah, try saying THAT 10 times).